To me, the best part of creating with anything new is the unknown journey and it’s mysterious destination.
In my blog, I share my recent work which has a been a return to the intersection of dreaming, nature, myth and the creative impulse. My background is varied. I was in publishing for many years, mostly as an illustrator. From 2004 to 2013, I was a founding member of West Cove Gallery and Studio in CT. This was a working printmaking co-operative, which meant that people would come by and watch us work. This was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed interactions with other artists and the public.
The details of all that are in my bio above, but people always ask how I started in monotypes to begin with. In university, I had printmaking studies, stone lithography, silk screen and relief. Mostly I painted and tried out a bunch of stuff, which is what you are supposed to do in school.
I first discovered monotype printmaking much later while living outside of Boston, MA. I had found a weekend intensive workshop at Mass Art in Boston and got in. I fell in love with the spontaneous process of working with monotypes. I enjoy the process, the “not knowing” of what is going to happen next, yet trying to control the end result as much as I can. This medium is not for everyone, it will drive a “control-freak” personality insane. For me it is a medium which reflects our attempts to control our own lives. We can’t, so why not enjoy it, if we can?