Category Archives: demonstration/creating mono-type prints

New series of Monotypes


Contemplations on Samsara-1, Kathleen Thoma, monotype, 11x14 in

Contemplations on Samsara-1, Kathleen Thoma, monotype, 11×14 in

Meditations on Samsara is a series of monotypes based upon my practice of focus on one symbol in order to quiet the mind. This practice is the basis for this new series of works showing the slowly developing changes in the object of focus. This series of monotypes documents the many other images, which came into my mind during the practice. These other surrounding images are the inspiration for my artwork. Dream Yoga info  The complete description and images from this series is within the portfolio. Meditations on Samsara

Contemplations on Samsara, in process, Kathleen Thoma, monotype, 11x14 in

Contemplations on Samsara, work in process, Kathleen Thoma, monoype, 11×14 in


Meditations on Samsara-7, Kathleen Thoma, monotype & paint, 11x14 in

Meditations on Samsara-7, Kathleen Thoma, monotype & paint, 11×14 in

Some changes on my web site as well, it has a new store format, within each of the galleries, after clicking upon an image; you can access the shopping cart.

Print is ready to pull off the plate

Demontration/monotypes with hand-cut stencils

This is a series of photos demonstrating

the process of creating a monotype using hand-cut stencils.

Kathleen Thoma creating a monotype in her studio

First I start with my palette of colors. Choosing color depends on my mood or the idea I have in my head. Then I cut out my stencils using flexible, soft sheets of plastic, like cut-up plastic file folders.

Hand cut stencils

I use a piece of plexiglass or glass for my plate.  I apply thin layers of ink or paint onto the plate, playing with layers of stencils until I have what seems to be a good starting layer to put through the press. This decision is often a guess based on experience. What is fun about monotype printing is that you never have complete control over the final outcome. This can also be frustrating of course. Sometimes you don’t like the print, so you have to wipe it off and start over. (more…)